Ajax Public Meeting – register now!

.     KGHM Ajax Mining Inc. is holding a series of community workshops. The purpose of these workshops is to provide specific project-related information to community members based on area of concern and to actively engage community members in the assessment process and project design. The first of these workshops is planned for Wednesday, April 18th 2012 at Thompson Rivers University Conference Centre from 5pm to 9pm.  Pre-registration is required.  Participants are asked to send their name, postal code and contact information via email to info@ajaxmine.ca  or register by phone at 250 374 5446 or in person at the Information Centre … Continue reading Ajax Public Meeting – register now!

Deadline for Ajax questions coming up

The deadline to add your questions to the draft for the Environmental Assessment has been extended to March 27.  Protecting the environment is everyone’s business!  Does the draft document satisfy your interests and concerns, or would you like to see additional items included for study?  Be sure to send your comments via e-mail to Ajax@ceaa-acee.bc.caor fax to 250-356-6448.  Alternatively, fill out the online form at http://www.eao.gov.bc.ca/pcp/forms/Ajax_form.html   Continue reading Deadline for Ajax questions coming up