Over 50 clotheslines won already!

Get ready to see clotheslines popping up in yards all over Kamloops – the Solar Laundry Project is giving them away, and we’ve now put a little sunshine in the shorts of more than 50 winners! The winners of the June 30th draw are: Merrilyn Pennanen, Florence Tellier, Sharon Gloyn, Elaine Roste, Hennie Shimizu, Rebecca Mutch, Cheryl Austin, Barbara Chudrick, Diane Matus, Elaine Mayrhofer, Susan McIntyre and Lynda Thompson. In addition, 4 lucky visitors to the BCSEA booth at Canada Day also became proud new clothesline owners: Congratulations to Lindy Dester, Velvet Woods, Ravi Atwal and Betty Tasko. If you … Continue reading Over 50 clotheslines won already!

June 23rd clothesline winners announced

Another week of clothesline winners put a little sunshine in their shorts!  We’re halfway through the Solar Laundry Project, and are pleased to announce the winners of the June 23rd draw: Sandra Richet, Heather MacKnee, Lynda Fisher, Bob Trudeau, Lorna Clarkson, Don Olson, Becky Kosakoski, Bonnie Watt, Betty Wood, Kandi Bell, Beth Humphrey, and Jan Hori. Congrats to all — enjoy your new clotheslines! Winners are asked to pick up their clothesline during regular business hours at Kamloops Home Hardware Building Centre. If you haven’t entered the draw yet, here’s the link: www.bcsea.org/kamloops . We’ll be giving away 12 more … Continue reading June 23rd clothesline winners announced