Get ready to see clotheslines popping up in yards all over Kamloops – the Solar Laundry Project is giving them away, and we’ve now put a little sunshine in the shorts of more than 50 winners! The winners of the June 30th draw are: Merrilyn Pennanen, Florence Tellier, Sharon Gloyn, Elaine Roste, Hennie Shimizu, Rebecca Mutch, Cheryl Austin, Barbara Chudrick, Diane Matus, Elaine Mayrhofer, Susan McIntyre and Lynda Thompson. In addition, 4 lucky visitors to the BCSEA booth at Canada Day also became proud new clothesline owners: Congratulations to Lindy Dester, Velvet Woods, Ravi Atwal and Betty Tasko. If you … Continue reading Over 50 clotheslines won already!