Collaborative learning!

Transition Kamloops has teamed up with a couple of TRU business classes to learn what kind of solutions to our sustainability problems might be possible if we think about them more creatively and establish a culture of innovation.

We contacted leaders on our community who have been working on various problems related to sustainability and asked them to act as “clients” for the students in two sections of Creativity and Innovation classes. The students are challenged to clarify the problem, generate innovative solutions and provide an implementation plan. Some of the problems the students have been asked to address are: 

  • How can we ensure a local food supply in Kamloops?
  • How can we get more farmers on the land practising regenerative agriculture?
  • How can we make a volunteer driven project, like Repair Cafe, sustainable into the future?
  • How can we reduce the amount of plastics in our waste stream?

The many challenges facing our planet today won’t be solved by the same thinking that created them. And they won’t be solved unless we work together. That is why we are so excited by this partnership. We look forward to seeing the results of the students’ work on February 14. They will be hosting an interactive poster presentation in the International Building lobby from 4-5:30pm. This is a public event and we invite you to come and see where you can become involved and be part of the solution!

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