Members of the Unitarian Fellowship undertook to educate themselves about issues surrounding the proposed Ajax Mine, by attending three mine tours this summer. Tonyโs Tour gave us a comprehensive look at the entire mining process and the environmental impacts, as well as an opportunity to talk with a local rancher whose property borders the proposed open pit. A guided tour of Highland Valley Copper showed us the Valley Pit copper mine in operation, the old Lornex pit, and several reclaimed areas. Finally, a tour by KGHM International of the proposed Ajax site gave us an idea of the extent of the pit and the location of the crushing plant, the waste rock piles and the dry stack tailings pile. We also invited people from the Kamloops Naturalist Club, the Thompson Valley Probus Club, the Kamloops Retired Teachers Association, and the Thompson Valley Activity and Social Club to join our group for these three tours. Pictured is the group overlooking the proposed site of the waste crusher, the ore crusher, and the water storage pond.