Upcoming study of potential effects
The Kamloops Naturalist Club is a group dedicated to the protection and promotion of the natural environment. We are concerned about the impact that the proposed Ajax Mine would have on adjacent grasslands, wetlands, and forests.
These are important migration resting places for songbirds and Sandhill Cranes, breeding grounds for Golden and Bald Eagles, Great Grey and Pygmy Owls, and Redtailed and Swainson’s Hawks, and important habitat for endangered Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse.
These habitats provide important wintering grounds for Mule Deer and Whitetail Deer and wonderful wildlife viewing opportunities.
As well, habitats such as Jacko Lake and Peterson Creek are home to fish and other aquatic species that attract many varieties of waterfowl and shorebirds.
Clearly, a huge open pit mine with its destruction of grassland, encroachment upon lakes and creeks, as well as its noise, vibration and dust of blasting, will have a disastrous effect on our prized grasslands and its many species.
Together with the Grasslands Conservation Council of BC and the Fish and Game Club, we have received a grant of $18,000 to study the potential effects of the proposed mine. The two contractors hired are to conduct hydrology and species work. Brenda Miskimmin, of Summit Environmental, will be undertaking the hydrological work and Ken Mackenzie of Iverson and Mackenzie Consulting will be do the species work.