. As part of the Sustainable Kamloops Plan vision, an Airshed Management Plan is currently under development. This stakeholder-driven process involves technical and advisory committees as well as opportunities for public input, with a goal of presenting the completed plan to Council in 2012.
We value your input on air quality! We are looking to involve residents in the following ways:
- Request a presentation for your organization to better understand the Airshed Management planning process. Learn how you can get involved. To book: ecoinfo@kamloops.ca .
- Educate yourself by reading the ‘What is in the Air We Breathe’ background document available online at http://www.kamloops.ca/environment/airshedmanagementplan.shtml
or in hard copy at City Hall. - Complete a survey at: http://www.kamloops.ca/environment/airshedmanagementplan.shtml
or in hardcopy at City Hall. - Participate in a workshop session March 14, 2012, 5-8 PM at the Tournament Capital Centre. Be part of the solution. Help identify strategies and actions for the City of Kamloops Airshed Management Plan. To register: ecoinfo@kamloops.ca
- Attend the Open House in April 2012 (exact date to be announced). Review and provide feedback on the City’s draft plan.
- Follow us on twitter@cityofkamloops or “like” our City of Kamloops Facebook page