Support mug-cycling at TRU

I just watched a cool video made by a group of TRU students (Jeff Hicks, Bonnie Klohn, and Kaitlin Boyd) who have entered the TD Go Green Challenge.  The contest asks students to solve a sustainability challenge facing their school and make a video about it. Their idea is a Mug Share Program, kind of like a bike share, but with mugs instead of bikes.  Instead of hoping that people remember to bring a mug from home, re-usable mugs would be available for pickup and drop-off wherever coffee & tea are sold.  The prizes are quite substantial….. The first place video will receive $100,000 to support sustainability initiatives at their school, 2nd and 3rd places receive $20,000 and $15,000 respectively, and they are currently vying for the People’s Choice Award, a $2500 prize. The trio is trying to get as much publicity as possible for the video to raise the profile of TRU and help the video get more votes.  Let’s help them out!  Pass it on to your contacts or link to the video on your website.  The voting closes March 11.

The video link is here:

Good luck, Kaitlin, Jeff and Bonnie!

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