Dear Honored Guests,
Splatsin would like to invite you on August 24, 2010, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to our Salmon Celebration being held at Cooke Creek Recreation site on Mabel Lake Road, approximately 25 km from the City of Enderby.
Splatsin Community will be occupying and using this site to carry out traditional food gathering and cultural practices for the week of August 23 – 29. This area is historically a place where Splatsin people have fished for thousands of years and continues to be an important fishing site for our people today. The goal of this camp is to have Splatsin community gather and practice food preserving techniques. It is an opportunity to have our people come together and be out on our traditional lands.
We encourage full participation and welcome you to speak during the opening. This day will showcase some of Splatsin culture and traditions and provide opportunity for the Splatsin people to host our non First Nations dignitaries and honored guests in celebration of the salmon.
We would appreciate your attendance and participation in this day of Splatsin Cultural Practices.
Please RSVP to Donna Felix as soon as possible.
Donna Felix 250 838 0373 or donnafelix(at)
Included below is the agenda for the day.
Kukpi7 Wayne Christian
Tuesday, Aug 24
10 a.m. Guests Arrive
Opening Prayer & Honor Song
10:30 Opening/Welcome – Splatsin Council Rep. Kukpi7 Wayne Christian
Guests Invited to Speak
Friendship Dance
11:30 – Pit cook demo – food for supper.
12:30 Lunch – Feast Served & Stories told
1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Lahal
2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Communal Fisheries Demo/Interactive
3:30 – 4 p.m. Fish prep presentation and participation, cleaning, filleting, prep for smoking, canning
4 p.m. Afternoon closing comments