Earthcare Kamloops Vegetarian Potluck

Sunday May 31, 2009
Doors open at 5:30 dinner at 6pm
At Church of Nazarene, 7th and Columbia, left side door, downstairs

Please bring:
A Vegetarian or Vegan dish for about 8 people, eggs and dairy are ok
Recipe or list of ingredients is mandatory
Your own plate, cutlery, and cup
A suggested $3 donation

After dinner: Ellen Duncan will share her experience working as a Dietitian with Qwemtsin Health and Interior Health and how her working life and home life converge a passion for food sovereignty.

Earthcare Kamloops is a non-profit group of caring citizens who promote a plant-based diet, and support sustainable, local farming practices.  We strive to create a healthier, more connected community by discussing environmental and health issues at our monthly Vegetarian potlucks.(September to May)

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