Shoutout to Kamloops Food Policy Council for the Food & the City series

Part of what we do at Transition Kamloops is build community connections by shining a light on good work done by other local organizations. We’ve long been superfans of the Kamloops Food Policy Council’s work, and their latest series of … Continue reading Shoutout to Kamloops Food Policy Council for the Food & the City series

Join the “Meatless Monday” movement!

Meatless Monday is not an original idea. Cities in Europe and North America have been trying for several years to cut greenhouse gases by eating one vegetarian meal a week. The Agriculture Organization of the United Nations finds that “…livestock accounts for 18% of worldwide greenhouse gases, more than that emitted by all forms of transportation combined, and is a leading cause of deforestation and water pollution.” It is Sir Paul McCartney who is spearheading the movement in Britain. He is quoted as saying, “We thought cars were the villain of the piece, but it appears that livestock produces more.” … Continue reading Join the “Meatless Monday” movement!

gRAWnola Recipe

I found this recipe on a wordpress blog the other day. I have been on the lookout for a good granola recipe and this one seems like it might be just that. If the method seems slightly odd and unfamiliar it is because this is a raw food recipe and you can read more about the raw food revolution here and for ingredients that are quite close to home you can source them at Real Raw Food in Naramata. gRAWnola recipe by Ellen Allard 1 cup buckwheat groats, soaked in water overnight 1/2 cup sunflower seed, soaked in water overnight … Continue reading gRAWnola Recipe